Safety Policy
Quantum Building Services implements a HSE Management system which is compliant with ISO14001 and AS/NZS 4801
As part of our commitment to achieving the principles of health and safety in our workplace, we recognise our moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for workers, contractors, customers and visitors. This commitment also extends to ensuring that our operations and activities do not place the local community or environment at risk of injury, illness or damage.
We recognise that the overall responsibility to provide a safe workplace rests with management, who will be accountable for the implementation of our policy. We are committed to encouraging consultation and co-operation between management and employees, and will formally involve elected health and safety representatives in any workplace change or any matters that may affect the health and safety of workers.
Quantum Building Services implements a HSE Management system which is compliant with ISO14001 and AS/NZS 4801. We are amalgamating two systems at the moment to include the new system of Quality Management as well.
To meet these strict compliances we have introduced many various procedures to assist our employees and contractors keep up to date and aware of their responsibilities and ways to comply with them.
All employees and contractors who work for QBS and perform works for our clientele have to complete our company induction, complete a test at the end and achieve 100%. This Induction outlines our HSE Management system, what it is, what it aims to achieve and that there are procedures that need to be adhered to to comply with it in order to perform the works. It also outlines our commitments to our clients and that all of our clients have differing procedures and requirements of their own. Making everyone aware of these compliances aims to reduce the likelihood of incidents on our sites or clients sites and at the same time making everyone aware that our clients all have different procedures and requirements that will need to be adhered to every time they attend site.
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Safety Policy
Environmental Policy